Friends of Cherrywood

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This page contains links to and brief descriptions of other websites which we hope to expand into a comprehensive set of resources. To use these links, click on the icons to their left, we hope that you will find them interesting and informative.

This page is in a dynamic state. Everyone knows that all Web pages are under construction, however, this page is in a dynamic and constantly changing state and is updated when ever possable!

London Borough of Merton: New link
Web Link London Borough of Merton. Merton has an active website, and its nature reserves page can be found at (
Getmapping: New link
Web Link Getmapping will provide you with maps of the area, and you can buy an aerial photo of Cherrywood.
RSPB: New link
Web Link The RSPB site has useful info, including the endangered species red and amber lists, and the Birds-eye page which provides details of all UK birds. ( )
London Wildlife Trust: New link
Web Link London Wildlife Trust is a useful starting point for all forms of local wildlife.
Add a link Permission to link to these page or use of our logo is freely granted, here is our site info. If you do not wish to use a hypertext link, please download an image.

If you would like a link to your website or if you know of a website that would be of general use/interest to the group. Please send details to (020 8715-3098). If you prefer to be contacted by telephone please include your daytime telephone number.

This website includes a number of hyperlinks to other websites that users may find of interest. we are not responsible for the contents or reliability of the linked websites and we do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over the availability of the linked pages.